Small common mode inductors are an important electronic component and are widely used in various fields.To enrich the content, the application of small common-mode inductors in […]
3-pin chip inductor is a common electronic component, which is widely used in circuit design. It has good inductance performance and small size and plays an […]
Inductors in game controllers, especially Hall elements, play a vital role. The role of Hall elements in game controllers is mainly reflected in the following aspects: […]
Inductors are passive devices used in electronic circuits to store energy as a magnetic field. They are the complement of capacitors, which store energy in the […]
In water meters, inductors are usually used to detect the position and movement state of the dial rotor. Specifically, the inductor and the capacitor form an […]
SMD Shielded Power Inductors in DC-DC Converter Circuits SMD shielded power inductors are also widely used in electronic circuits. They can not only provide the necessary […]
The Definitions of Axial Components and Radial Components are as Follows: Axial Components: The leads of axial components, such as axial lead capacitors, resistors, inductors, etc., […]
In electronic circuits, components are usually divided into two categories: active components and passive components.Active components refer to components that require external energy to work properly, […]
Definition of Axial Inductance and Radial Inductance: Axial Inductance: Axial inductance means that the direction of the inductor magnetic field is consistent with the direction of […]