Do you know what the numbers on Smd inductors represent?

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Do You Know What The Numbers On Smd Inductors Represent?

Everyone is familiar with SMD inductors. We know that the surface of SMD inductors is usually marked with a series of numbers. So, do you know what the numbers on it mean? In this article, we will give you a brief introduction to science.

1. Nominal value: The number on the SMD inductor is usually its nominal inductance value. This value is usually in units of uH or nH. The nominal value is the inductance of the inductor in a DC circuit. In an AC circuit, its actual performance may be different due to distributed capacitance and resistance.

2. Accuracy level: The numbers or letters after the nominal value usually indicate the accuracy level of the SMD inductor. Inductor accuracy grades are usually represented by letters, such as: J, K, M, etc. Different letters represent different values and represent different precisions.

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3. Rated current: Some SMD inductors will be marked with a rated current value.

4. Manufacturing batch or model: In addition to indicating the parameter information of the inductor, the number on the SMD inductor may also indicate the manufacturing batch or model.

The above is the information content of the digital feedback on the surface of the SMD inductor. Zxcompo is a trusted manufacturer of SMD power inductors. Contact us for samples:

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